"Cyborg" is a science-fictional shorting of "cybernetic organism". The idea is that, in the near future, we may have more and more artificial body parts - arms, legs, hearts, eyes - and digital computing and communication supplements. The logical conclusion is that one might become a brain in a wholly artificial body. And the step after that is to replace your meat brain by a computer brain.
Links & References
- Technology as Extension of Human Functional Architecture
- An essay about technological extensions to human - attachments, implants, wrappers, manipulators... By Alexander Chislenko.
- Cyborg Detector
- Cyborg Activity. Terminology, body modification, cyborg culture, myths, identity...
- Communication Studies: Digital Media: Cyborgs
- Communication studies material from University of Iowa.
- Legacy Systems and Functional Cyborgization of Humans
- By Alexander Chislenko.
- Cyborg Anthropology Archive
- An archive by Electronic Frontier Foundation.
- Cyborgs 'R' Us
- A Guide to the History of the Cyborg. By Martin Irvine.
- Presenting the Cyborg's Futurist Past
- An analysis of Dziga Vertov's Kino-Eye.
By Joseph Christopher Schaub.
- The Human Body and the Machine
- Some artwork on a MIT course.
- Cyborg Subjects and Networked Communities
- Cyborg Subjects and Networked Communities links for University of Rochester Digital Culture seminars.
- Virtual Concrete
- A project exploring Corpo-Reality. Plan yourself.
- Home Page of a Cyborg
- This obviously schizophrenic man really thinks he's a cyborg.